Are Women’s Standards Different from Men’s? 9 Conversation Topics That Japanese Women Interpret as Flirting

Men and women react differently to advances from someone of the opposite gender. A Japanese woman can become guarded if she feels “targeted” by something you may have said unintentionally. So, you should approach your conversation carefully when you are just getting to know her and testing the waters. This time, we surveyed 336 single Japanese women in their teens and 20s to introduce topics of conversation that Japanese women can interpret as flirting.

1. Strongly agreeing with what she said: “I agree with you. We’re on the same wavelength.”

Japanese women might take your empathy for flirting. “I wonder if he cares more about getting along with me than what I said,” mentioned a Japanese woman in her 20s. If you think she misunderstood, try acting neutral toward her.